Top 5 Best Lizards for Beginner Reptile Keepers: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 5 Best Lizards for Beginner Reptile Keepers A Comprehensive Guide

For those just starting out in the reptile-keeping world, picking the right lizard is key! To help you out, here are the top 5 best lizards for beginners.

  1. Leopard Gecko: It’s known for its docile nature and low maintenance needs. Plus, it’s relatively tolerant of handling.
  2. Bearded Dragon: These adorable lizards have scaly skin and beard-like spines – plus a friendly temperament and easy dietary needs!
  3. Crested Gecko: Another great choice with its vibrant colors and peculiar eyes that are sure to draw attention. Plus, its setup doesn’t require special lighting or heating.
  4. Blue-Tongued Skink: If you’d prefer something smaller, this lizard may be perfect for you. It has a distinctive blue tongue used as a defense mechanism. Plus, it’s calm and can eat a variety of foods.
  5. Eastern Collared Lizard: These lizards come in diverse colors and patterns – plus they’re active and able to thrive in various environments.

So there you have it! These five lizards offer something for everyone – so you can enjoy an intriguing and satisfying reptile-keeping experience.

Choosing the Right Lizard for Beginners

If you’re a beginner reptile keeper, choosing the right lizard can be an exciting but daunting task. Here are five factors to consider:

  1. Size: Choose small or medium-sized lizards. They’re easier to handle and don’t need much space.
  2. Care Requirements: Think about how much time and effort you can give. Some species require more work.
  3. Temperament: Opt for calm and docile lizards. They’ll tolerate handling better.
  4. Availability: Research what’s available in your area. Make sure you can get food and supplies easily.
  5. Lifespan: Select a lizard with a lifespan that fits your commitment.

Also, some lizards have special dietary needs or environmental requirements. Plus, some have interesting behaviors or physical characteristics that make them attractive to new reptile owners.

Sarah, a beginner reptile keeper, was captivated by a leopard gecko at the pet store. She was thrilled to bring it home. It took patience and dedication to learn how to care for it, but it was worth it. She formed a strong bond with her scaly companion.

Choose your lizard carefully. With the right research and prep, you can find one that fits your lifestyle and provides years of companionship. Enjoy reptile keeping!

Lizard #1: Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko – a spectacular reptile and the best choice for first-time reptile keepers. Let’s have a look at its major features.

  • Size: 6-9 inches.
  • Lifespan: Up to 20 years.
  • Temp. Range: 75°F-88°F during day, 70°F minimum at night.
  • Diet: Crickets, mealworms, waxworms.
  • Habitat: Arid regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northwestern India.

The leopard gecko stands out from other lizards in that it has eyelids, and its yellow skin with dark spots resembles a leopard. An amazing fact – as stated by National Geographic – these creatures can drop their tails when threatened! Wow!

Lizard #2: Bearded Dragon

The Bearded Dragon is a popular pick for first-time reptile keepers. It is known for its gentle nature and low-maintenance care. Let’s explore key features of this peculiar lizard!

Species Info:

Common NameBearded Dragon
SpeciesPogona vitticeps
Lifespan10-15 years
Size16-24 inches

Bearded Dragons have interesting qualities that make them stand out. They have a ‘beard’ – a pouch beneath the jaw that can puff up and change colour in certain displays. These lizards also adjust well to different environments, making it simpler for newbies to provide suitable care.

Interestingly, their history goes back centuries. These lizards were first discovered in Australia and have been loved by reptile fanatics ever since. Their alluring looks, relaxed demeanour, and easy-going care needs have made them one of the most sought-after pet reptiles nowadays.

Lizard#3: Crested Gecko – because who wants a pet that doesn’t rock a mohawk 24/7?

Lizard #3: Crested Gecko

Crested Geckos, beloved by reptile fans, are famed for their unique looks and easy-care needs. Here’s all you need to know about them!

Size: 5-8 inches.

Lifespan: 15-20 years.

Temperature Range: 72°F – 78°F.

Humidity Level: 50% – 70%.

Diet: Fruit, insects.

Housing: Vertical tank.

Plus, Crested Geckos have an amazing talent – they can regrow their tails if hurt! This is just one of the many things that make them so special.

These lovable creatures are from New Caledonia, a set of islands in the South Pacific. A few decades ago, it was thought they had gone extinct – until they were rediscovered! It’s pretty amazing how they made the journey from almost-extinct to popular pets.

If you’re just starting out with reptile-keeping, why not get yourself a Blue-Tongued Skink? After all, nothing says “beginner” like a lizard with a tongue that looks like it ate a Smurf!

Lizard #4: Blue-Tongued Skink

The Blue-Tongued Skink is a remarkable lizard, known for its striking blue tongue. This article discusses the unique traits and upkeep needs of this beginner-friendly reptile.

It is native to Australia and New Guinea. It has a bulky body and short legs, and can grow up to 24 inches in length. These lizards are famed for their special blue tongue, which is used as a defense mechanism to frighten predators. They have a gentle temperament, making them perfect pets for beginners.

Here is some vital info about the Blue-Tongued Skink:

  • Temperature: They need a temperature range from 75°F to 85°F during the day and cooler temperatures at night.
  • Housing: An aquarium with measurements of at least 36 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 18 inches high is suited for an adult Blue-Tongued Skink. They also need hiding places and environmental enrichment such as branches or rocks.
  • Diet: Blue-Tongued Skinks are omnivorous, meaning they consume both plant matter and protein sources. Their diet consists of leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, insects, and sometimes small mammals.
  • Grooming: These lizards require regular shedding for their growing bodies. Offering a moist hide box assists the shedding process.

Now let me tell a riveting story about a Blue-Tongued Skink called Jasper. Initially, Jasper was timid and shy when his owner took him home. But, with patience and proper care, he became more assured and even learned to recognize his owner’s voice. Jasper rapidly became a cherished member of the family because of his fascinating personality and captivating behavior.

In conclusion, the Blue-Tongued Skink is a great selection for novice reptile owners due to its gentle character and controllable upkeep needs. Its exclusive blue tongue adds a touch of wonder to these entrancing lizards’ overall charm. With the right care and attention, the Blue-Tongued Skink can be a rewarding and long-term pet.

Lizard #5: Anole

Anole, the fifth lizard on our list, is perfect for beginner reptile keepers. It’s tiny and easy to care for. Let’s look closer at this intriguing lizard.

Info about Anoles:

  1. Size: 5-8 inches
  2. Lifespan: 5 years with good care.
  3. Temperament: Can become friendly with owners. Enjoys gentle handling.
  4. Diet: Insects such as crickets and mealworms. Variety is important.
  5. Housing: Small terrarium or aquarium with branches, vegetation, and hiding spots.
  6. Temperature: 75°F to 85°F during the day, 65°F at night.
  7. Humidity: 70%.
  8. Handling: Be gentle as their skin can tear easily.

Anoles also have the amazing ability to change color depending on mood or environment. This adds to their charm.

To keep your Anole happy and healthy:

  1. Provide an appropriate home.
  2. Offer a balanced diet.
  3. Maintain proper humidity.
  4. Monitor temperature.

By following these steps, you can be sure to give your Anole a great life! Let their beautiful colors bring you joy. So, if you’re a lizard fan or simply looking for a low-maintenance pet, Anoles are a great choice. Who needs human drama when you can have lizard drama?


Let’s dive into more details about lizards! Consider their feeding habits, for instance. The Leopard Gecko mainly eats insects and sometimes small vertebrates. On the other hand, the Blue-tongued Skink has a varied diet of fruits, vegetables, and insects. This makes it easier to select a lizard that suits your preferred feeding routine.

Interaction is another factor to consider. The Bearded Dragon is sociable and likes being handled. But the Crested Gecko prefers to be left alone and does best with minimal handling. Knowing these differences helps beginner reptile keepers find the right species for them.

Now here are some tips:

  1. Research and choose a lizard species that suits your level of experience. Beginner-friendly lizards like Leopard Geckos or Anoles are great for starters.
  2. Create a suitable habitat. Include temperature gradients, substrates, hiding spots, and proper lighting. Monitor the humidity and temperature regularly to keep it healthy.
  3. Prioritize research, proper care techniques, and providing a suitable habitat for each species. With dedication, you can enjoy a fulfilling reptile keeping experience!

Additional Resources

For all your reptile keeping needs, explore these options!

  • Connect with experienced keepers on forums like ReptileDatabase and ReptileForums. Share knowledge, ask questions, & get advice.
  • Expand your understanding by reading books like “Reptile Care” & “The Reptile Handbook”.
  • Join local herpetology societies & clubs to meet fellow keepers, attend workshops, & access resources.
  • Consult breeders who specialize in lizards. Their expertise can guide you in selecting the right species.
  • Don’t miss out on valuable insights & opportunities that can help you grow!

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What are the top 5 best lizards for beginner reptile keepers?

Answer: The top 5 best lizards for beginner reptile keepers are leopard geckos, crested geckos, bearded dragons, blue-tongued skinks, and anoles.

2. Are these lizards easy to care for?

Answer: Yes, these lizards are generally easy to care for. They have specific temperature and humidity requirements, but once you have their enclosure set up correctly, they are low maintenance pets.

3. Can these lizards be handled?

Answer: Yes, most of these lizards can be handled with proper care and regular gentle handling. However, it is important to note that some lizards may be more tolerant of handling than others.

4. What do these lizards eat?

Answer: Leopard geckos and anoles eat insects, while crested geckos and blue-tongued skinks are omnivores, eating both insects and fruits/vegetables. Bearded dragons have a varied diet, including insects, fruits, vegetables, and even small amounts of cooked meat.

5. Do these lizards require special lighting?

Answer: Some of these lizards, like bearded dragons, require specialized UVB lighting to meet their vitamin D needs. Others, like leopard geckos and crested geckos, do not require UVB lighting but benefit from having access to a regular day/night light cycle.

6. How long do these lizards live?

Answer: The lifespan of these lizards varies, but on average, leopard geckos can live for 10-20 years, crested geckos for 15-20 years, bearded dragons for 10-15 years, blue-tongued skinks for 15-20 years, and anoles for 2-5 years.

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